Could There Be A Cure For Diabetes
Diabetes is such an horrific disease afflicted people nowadays. Patients with this illness battle many health complications that caused some to suffer from kidney diseases, heart problems, nerve damage, blindness and even amputation. Because of the burden it bestows on its sufferers, many medical teams and researchers have gone above and beyond to find a cure. Sadly, there is no current cure for both types of diabetes. However, researchers are beginning to get excited that a cure could possibly formulate within the next one or two decades. Many scientists also looked into diabetes vaccines and have been consistently investigating about them. The aim of a diabetes vaccine is to to stop the immune system of type 1 diabetic patients from attacking its own beta cells. Another cure many experts are looking into is the “islet cell encapsulation”. This is when stem cells are used to create cells that can produce the hormone insulin. The aim here is to get these cells to continuously work without the immune system interfering the process. As for type 2 diabetes, there is no cure for ailment this either. The signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus can actually disappear through healthy dietary changes and adopting fitness measures. In some cases, patients go through gastric bypass surgery to treat their blood glucose issues and stop diabetes from plaguing their health. Although a healthy lifestyle can cause type 2 diabetes remission, there are other patients who need more than just diet and exercise to address this problem. This leads to the conclusion that “remission” from lifestyle change may not be considered a cure. There is still a chance that diabetes will come back and cause damage to their health once again. But a complete lifestyle change can make diabetics stop taking their medications, reverse diabetes and live a normal life as long as they make the smart decisions. Here are other medical cures that are tested and are still continuously researched today:
Stem Cell Research
This covered scientific studies on stem cells and allowed the researchers to grow varieties of human cells in the laboratory. They used the cells to research how they interact and behave under different biological conditions. This research has particularly uncovered many new understanding of diabetes, particularly diabetes insipidus (type 1).Exogenous Beta Cells Transplant
This is a potential cure that has been attempted on mice and human trials. But just as any transplant procedure, this triggered a strong reaction from the immune system and attacked the tissues that were transplanted.Microscopic Insulin Implants
Another possible cure that someday might become a reality is the use of nanotechnology. This technological spectrum can produce microscopic implants that could produce insulin when it is required by the body. Though this cure is still theoretical, several scientists are researching towards this possibility in the future. And just like any other cure that were studied in the past decade, microscopic insulin implants still remains a distant potential.600-Calorie Diet
There are studies that state that a very low calorie diet will allow people with diabetes to shed the fat in the pancreas and liver. A two-month research that involved 11 patients with type 2 diabetes were asked to drastically reduce their food consumption to 600 calories per day only. Their diet consisted of low-calorie diet drinks and non-starchy vegetables. After two months, seven of the test groups were found to be free of diabetes. Although this study shows promise, this type of diet requires medical and professional supervision. 600 calories a day is a radical change and should not be tried until further research is done.Discoveries on a diabetes cure is still in the works. And so far, every study has contributed to a better understanding type 1 and type 2 diabetes. As the technological advancements today help the field of medicine conduct its research, a diabetes cure may someday become a reality. However, at this time, the mystery curing this metabolic disorder remains unsolved.The question now is, could there be a cure for this illness?